Pipeline too risky for Robeson


It is not at all surprising that a representative for Dominion Resources, the primary stockholder in the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, would assert the potential economic benefits of the pipeline for Robeson County when he visited recently. What would be shocking is if the people of Robeson County believed the assertions of a corporate representative who has a vested interest.

It is not at all surprising that Dominion would suggest that the pipeline could provide construction jobs in North Carolina. What would be shocking is if the people of Robeson County believed that those jobs would be offered to local construction workers. Historically, pipeline companies hire skilled labor which most often comes from out of state.

There is no way to responsibly build a 42-inch fracked-gas pipeline across three states without considering the damage it would do from source to destination. This consideration should include fracking wells, high-pressure transport lines, compressor stations and LNG export facilities. It should take into account the devastation that communities subject to extraction, transportation and exportation of fracked gas will experience.

The dangers, damages and deaths due to pipeline explosions are well-known. For example, an explosion in Appomattox, Va., on Sept. 14, 2008, instantly destroyed two homes and damaged 100 more. An explosion in San Bruno, Calif., on Sep. 9, 2010, demolished 38 homes and killed eight people.

Natural gas pipeline explosions have killed hundreds of people, injured more than a thousand, and caused more than five billion in property damage. Between 1994 and 2013 there were 5,623 “significant incidents” — costing more than $50,000, $6,700,203,540 in losses, 1,397 injuries, and 362 deaths.

Some immediate results from a landowner’s proximity to a gas pipeline may be: inability to sell; potential retraction of the mortgage because the owner allowed industrial development; and dangers of fire and explosion (this clause is in almost every mortgage agreement);

The safety and health issues regarding these pipelines are many and alarming. They include, but are not limited to: dangerous, life-threatening explosions; colorless, odorless leakage; contamination of air; contamination of soil; and psychological stress and trauma.

But one of the most alarming threats to our communities, especially those who depend on farming as an essential part of their economy, is the potential for contamination of water resources. It is crucial that we take those costs into account.

Based on an economic analysis recently compiled for four counties threatened by the pipeline in Virgnia, the effect that compromised water resources would have our local economies would be devastating.

For example, according to a recent study by Key-Log Economics, a landowner would face an estimated out-of-pocket expense of $35,000 or more to find and drill into an uncontaminated aquifer. For dairies and livestock operations, which need more water, a contaminated aquifer would face an estimated cost of $50,000. If a city or town had to replace a contaminated municipal water supply, the costs are even higher: $2.5 million to complete geophysical, hydrological, and engineering studies, purchase land, drill a well, and build the necessary surrounding infrastructure.

Before we blindly accept the false promises of corporate executives who seek to make a profit on the backs of the people, we must seek for ourselves the difficult answers to questions of value, cost and benefit. The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League believes that the pipeline would not benefit the people of Robeson County, and we invite any citizens who wish to find out more about this dangerous, ill-conceived and unnecessary project to contact us for more information. You can take action to protect and preserve your community and way of life.

Mara Robbins is part of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, which is a seven state organization working with communities to protect public health, safeguard America’s resources and preserve our way of life.

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