From the Delaware Riverkeeper

Help Protect Communities from the Massive Proliferation of Pipelines
By Signing on To Support Investigation Into the Abuses of Power by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
A Clear Ally of the Pipeline Fossil Fuel Industry
Over 120 organizations and 1700 individuals have joined the call for an independent investigation by the Government Accountability Office into the blatant bias and abuses of FERC.   As we go into the New Year we will be submitting the organizational request and individual petitions to legislators and working to garner press attention for this initiative.  If you have not yet signed on — whether you are an individual or represent an organization – please consider doing so now.  Sign on links below.
Support an Independent Investigation into the Abuse of Process and Law by the 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Including Its Blatant Bias in Approving Pipeline Projects
Please sign our petition and pass it on at:
(If you are the leader of an organization concerned about the abuse of power at FERC you can sign on to our organizational sign on letter at: )
FERC is a blatantly biased agency that doesn’t just favor the pipeline companies over the public, but actively works to help advance pipelines, including by stripping the public of our legal rights to challenge projects in the courts.
A Government Accountability Office Review of FERC could help to shine the light of day on the abuses of FERC and help all of the communities and environments being devastated by the construction and operation of fracked gas pipelines and LNG export facilities.  
Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are on the committee that can request and get the GAO investigation we need.  But both of them are very busy given their high profile work.  So we need to make sure they hear from enough of us to understand the importance of granting our request — that means thousands of us need to ask.  Please help us get there.

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