PennEast pipeline partner tempers forecast for construction

Tom Gilbert, of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, said NJR’s recent forecast perhaps reflects difficulties with the state Department of Environmental Protection and the federal energy commission.

“It’s clearly significantly delayed and it’s going to be a long, difficult road for PennEast,” Gilbert said. “And I think there’s some question of whether they’ll be able to make it at all.”

The state DEP on Nov. 4 sent a 19-page letter to the federal energy commission outlining numerous concerns the agency has about the PennEast application, ranging from potential negative impacts on rare wildlife along the proposed pathway to the company’s construction schedule.

PennEast proposes a 7-month construction timeline, beginning in February, 2017.

“This proposed construction schedule does not, at this time, appear to be attainable,” the letter said.

The energy commission followed on Nov. 24 with letter to PennEast, giving the company 20 working days to provide a 22-page list of changes to the application and provide additional information before the commission could further evaluate the application.

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